Day 1 of Law School
Starting Law School at UWA? Here's some important information, events and links for you to be aware of.
Blackstone Society Facebook Page: Stay up to date with the Society's events.
Blackstone Society Facebook Group: This is a group for all UWA law students to share information.
Blackstone Opportunities: The Society posts legal job openings, internships and other unique opportunities multiple times a week here.
Blackstone Sports: Inter-faculty sport takes place weekly on Wednesdays from 12-2pm.
Long Term UWA Law Students: Studying the JD or LLB part time at UWA? Connect with students in a similar position.
Blackstone Advocacy: Interested in competitions? Join to learn about witness examination and mooting.
Blackstone Wellness: Your go-to page for all wellness related content.
Academic and Education Support
Alternative Faculty Handbook: Student perspectives on units you will be studying.
askUWA: The portal for asking questions of the Law School administration (as opposed to the Law School academics).
Please do not email law faculty administration directly unless specifically requested to do so. This does not include unit coordinators, you should definitely contact them directly as a first point of call for unit questions).
The UWA Student Guild: "We all need a little support sometimes! The Guild offers you support services through faculty societies, Guild departments and student reps. We’ve also got our professionally trained Student Assist team on hand to help you with any academic, welfare or financial issues." - Student Assist Team.
An event specially organised for those just starting out as Law students at UWA, First Year Dinner provides not only an opportunity for the first year cohort to get to know each other, it is also the event at which the first year elected Blackstone positions are announced.