JD Academic Mentoring
The Blackstone JD Academic Mentoring program offers first year JD students realistic guidance concerning legal assessments whilst fostering relationships between new students and experienced law students. Second year, penultimate and final year mentors provide advice in areas such as legal writing, legal research and examination preparation/technique.
The JD is a challenging degree regardless of prior undergraduate, professional or other experience. Blackstone recognised this and developed this mentoring program to provide support and reassurance to first year students throughout their transition into postgraduate studies.
2022 Semester 1 First Year JD Academic Mentoring
First Year JD Academic Mentoring sessions will be held on the following dates:
1. Criminal Law Academic Mentoring: Monday 21 March
2. Ashurst Contract Law Mentoring Session: Monday 28 March
3. Ashurst Academic Mentoring Exam Guide 2022: Tuesday 17 May
If you are planning on attending any or all of these sessions please register here.
If you have any questions regarding the program please contact Maeher, the Academic Mentoring Director here.